Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rain, rain go away

It's been raining for two straight days. Yesterday I woke up at 6:30am and looked at the temp, then looked out the window, and went back to bed. There was no way that I was going to do a 3 hour ride in 53 degree weather and rain. In addition to the ride being tossed out the window, I wasn't able to swim either. The University of Denver pool which I usually swim in is closed for maintenance and the city pools that are open are outdoors. Well, the city pool canceled lap swim due to the weather. So yesterday turned into a rest day.

Right now there is a thunderstorm going on outside. Nice and dark, steady rain, and claps of thunder with a bit of lightning. It's not too violent of a storm and usually I'd just go and run on the treadmill on a day like today, but with a 1.5 hour ride on the agenda there is no way that I'd last on a treadmill. An hour, yes, I can do an hour on a treadmill; I can't do much more than that.

If in a few days I'm writing about how I'm sick, you know's time for my run and I can't skip this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess you are sick since there have been no more postings. I hope you got some runs in before your malady struck you down.