Friday, August 8, 2008

Still Hurting

My recovery week has come about five days before planned. The past few days I've spent training, but without the training part. The day after my epic bonk, I laid low and ate. Yesterday I went out for a run and called it after 10 minutes as I was feeling really dizzy, on the verge of passing out. I then went to the pool for30min of frustration; this damn shoulder keeps pissing me off. Today I went out for a three hour ride that lasted an hour, then another 20min of splashing around in the pool.

I have been doing my best to hide the fact that I completely killed myself on Tuesday's 130 miler, now I'm realizing that I did just that. My original plan involved two big days of training tomorrow and Sunday, then a recovery week. Well, since I've been recovering since Wednesday I think it's best just to continue recovery and start up another bout of ridiculous long rides next week; along with some running and swimming of course.

I have decided that I will be attempting the Mt. Evans ride before my Ironman training is finished. Luisa has committed to the insanity as well; misery sure loves company.

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