This past weekend was the longest overdue trip of my life. When I tell someone that I'm going to visit, I visit them. I book a flight within a few months and I'm there hanging out. I'm that guy that you never want to invite to stay at your place unless you sincerely mean it. It works the other way around too, but no one ever takes me up on my should.
Some two years ago my cousin Michelle (My mom's older brother's daughter, who is adorable and single) decided that she had enough of small town Illinois and headed a thousand miles away to Jacksonville, FL. Naturally I was invited to visit and I accepted. Well, this past weekend I actually headed out there. The timing was nice. Just a few coaching clients at this point, so work is light (I'm accepting applications for new clients...), and I reworked my training schedule for a nice recovery weekend.

I did get out for two runs, two really hot and wet runs. The last time I can remember training in 90+ degree heat with 100% humidity was in Madison, and this was worse. Toward the end of that first run the road wasn't staying in one place very well and I struggled to maintain a straight and logical path. I would run on the sidewalk, then on the road, then to the side of the road in the grass, then back on the sidewalk all within about 100 yards. That last 1/2 mile was the worst as I ran out of water on the final stretch toward heaven, my cousin's 74 degree townhouse. Whose dumb idea was it to train at 10am anyway? After arriving in 74 degree bliss I stood soaking wet in the bathroom chugging a glass of water. As I finished the glass I was pretty confused; an equal amount of water that I was ingesting was present on the floor below me. After a moment of worrying that I unconscientiously peed myself, I realized that I was sweating at the same rate as I was drinking, truly amazing.
Beyond the normal training, I did manage some good cross training: wake boarding, skydiving, staying out late while boozin' excessively (endurance training...duh...), and eating a lot.

A truly great weekend of hangin out with my cousin, meeting her awesome friends, and experiencing another new city in this great nation of ours.
I just got a job in West Allis (west milwaukee). You can visit whenever you want, though I don't know why you'd want to...
...Hhhmmmmm, west that near Miller Park?
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